fixing quickcheck properties

Code changed, tests failing, fantastic. Now let’s fix them*.

First of all, let’s see what exactly is breaking:

piotr@mancave:~/Documents/Projects/roller$ ./bin/typestests
"Verify show DieTerm."
*** Failed! (after 21 tests and 6 shrinks):                               
  Number of dice or number of faces of each die incorrect.
  Given number of dice: 0 (limit: 99).
  Given number of faces of each die: 100 (limit: 99).

Looking at the property’s code:

prop_ShowDieTerm :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
prop_ShowDieTerm x y =
  show (constructDieTerm x y) == show x ++ show dieSymbol ++ show y

Nothing too complicated. It is the smart constructor that does not like quickcheck’s input. Let’s see why. Here’s the code:

constructDieTerm :: NumberOfDice -> NumberOfFacesOfEachDie -> DiceExpression
constructDieTerm x y
  | validateDieTermParameters x y = DieTerm x y
  | otherwise = error $ dieTermLimitsErrorMessage x y

validateDieTermParameters :: NumberOfDice -> NumberOfFacesOfEachDie -> Bool
validateDieTermParameters x y = x <= diceLimit && y <= facesOfEachDieLimit

Oh, ok, I see. The error message looks like the 0 number of dice might be the problem but in fact it is the number of faces of each die - it’s 100 and the limit is 99. The answer to that is to adjust quickcheck’s input data. For this property (verify that showable DieTerms are shown in a certain way), I will narrow the input down to values producing showable DieTerms:

  • number of dice: 0-99
  • number of faces of each die: 0-99

We can do it with generators. Generators help provide quickcheck with desired test data input:

newtype CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator = CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator NumberOfDice deriving Show
instance Arbitrary CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator where arbitrary = CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator <$> generateCorrectNumberOfDice

newtype CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator = CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator NumberOfFacesOfEachDie deriving Show
instance Arbitrary CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator where arbitrary = CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator <$> generateCorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDie

generateCorrectNumberOfDice :: Gen Word8
generateCorrectNumberOfDice = elements [0 .. 99]

generateCorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDie :: Gen Word8
generateCorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDie = elements [0 .. 99]

Just as a reminder, I’m using following aliases to make the code more explicit:

type NumberOfDice = Word8
type NumberOfFacesOfEachDie = Word8

With generators prepared like this, I can modify the prop_ShowDieTerm property to operate on them and not on type Word8:

prop_ShowDieTerm :: CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator -> CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator -> Bool
prop_ShowDieTerm (CorrectNumberOfDiceGenerator x) (CorrectNumberOfFacesOfEachDieGenerator y) =
  show (constructDieTerm x y) == show x ++ show dieSymbol ++ show y

Does it work? Let’s find out:

"Verify show DieTerm."
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Now I should fix remaining properties but that’s a task for another day.

Other things to consider:

  • since I’m using smart constructors now, it would be a good idea to test them
  • since smart constructors take care of data checking I don’t have to verify the “Show” implementation for incorrect inputs (as every incorrect input will not even make it to the show function - an error will be generated first)

*The code I’m writing here may not be immediately available in the roller repository (even in the develop branch).