fun with photon

I love playing with electronics. Especially with Photon, the latest addition to my collection of Arduino-compatible boards. The best thing about this board is the built-in Wi-Fi module, which gives the Arduino platform wings.

The project I would like to build today is an http-triggered sound generator, which will possibly turn into something bigger in the future. But let’s focus on basics first.

The rules of the project are simple:

  • the board should listen to HTTP commands and:
    • emit a sound when the command is “on”
    • stop the sound when the command is “off”

There is no need to build something too complicated, so today I’m focusing on two standard functions most Arduino-compatible boards support:

Here’s the code:

// -----------------------------------------
// Controlling the speaker over the Internet
// -----------------------------------------

int tonePin = D1;

void setup()
    Spark.function("sound", soundToggle);

void loop() { }

int soundToggle(String command)
    int result = -1;

    if (command == "on")
        tone(tonePin, 440);

        result = 1;
    else if (command == "off")

        result = 0;

    return result;

You can call the board using your favorite REST tool using the following URL:

So simple!

The code is also available here.